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Introducing our Liquid Culture Pre-Mix, a meticulously crafted solution designed to streamline the process of cultivating vibrant mycelium for your mushroom growing endeavors. This pre-mix contains a balanced blend of premium malt extract, dextrose, peptone and yeast extract, providing an optimal nutrient-rich environment for robust mycelial growth.


Our 100g pouch can create 25 Liters of liquid culture!



Instructions for Use:


1. Prepare Nutrient Solution:


Mix 4g of Liquid Culture Pre-Mix per litre of water.

Stir thoroughly to dissolve the malt extract completely.



2. Sterilize the Nutrient Solution:


Pour the nutrient solution into your glass or plastic container.

Seal the container with a lid, and then place it in a pressure cooker or autoclave.

Sterilize the nutrient solution at 15 psi for 15-20 minutes.



3. Cooling and Inoculation:


Allow the sterilized nutrient solution to cool to room temperature before proceeding.

Using a sterilized needle, inoculate the liquid culture with a spore or mycelium solution. 



4. Incubation:


Place the inoculated liquid culture in a warm, dark area for incubation (24-27°C).



5. Monitor and Shake:


Regularly inspect the liquid culture for signs of mycelial growth. 

Shake the container gently to distribute mycelium throughout the solution.

Mycelium growth may take several days to a few weeks, depending on the species and conditions.



6. Harvesting and Use:


Once the liquid culture is fully colonized with mycelium, it is ready for use. 


Liquid Culture Pre-Mix

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